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2nd level Specializing Master in Space exploration and development systems

Course Details

Objectives : The International II level Specializing Master in Space Exploration and Development Systems (SEEDS) started in 2005 following a proposal of Politecnico di Torino addressed to its European partners.

SEEDS is focused on the human and robotic exploration of space and on the related missions, systems, and technologies. It aims at providing the students with the core applied physics and engineering skills required to develop space systems and missions from initial concept through design, assembly and verification, to launch and operations.

To reach these objectives SEEDS relies on the tight collaboration of three European Higher Education Institutions located in three countries, namely Politecnico di Torino in Italy, Institut Supérieur de l’Aéronautique et l’Espace (ISAE, Toulouse) in France and University of Leicester in UK. All three partners share common features including: strong links with space industry, heritage in space research and exploration, and the inclusion of high-level expertise in the delivery of teaching, based on both the academia and the industry.

Concerned public : Etudiants

Duration and terms : 1 an

Notes : 8 ECTS

Dedicated web site : https://didattica.polito.it/master/seeds/2017/introduction

Space or Aerospace Domains

Space related thematics