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Nereus - Space related training

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Master of Sciences in Mobility Systems Engineering and Management

Course Details

Objectives : Combination of courses in emerging technologies & systems engineering :
- Automotive Systems in times of Internet of Things (IoT) and Industry 4.0: Integration of Cyber Physical Systems & Big Data Handling
- Automotive Standards & Applications (autonomous driving, alternative drivetrains and more)
- Data Communication Topologies and Technologies (e.g. CAN, Flexray or wireless/car2x, Ethernet)
- Worldwide Release & Configuration Management
- Testing 2.0 (beyond classical HiL)
- Security & Safety (according to ISO26262, ASIL)
- Process Maturity Level Assessments (CMMI, SPICE)

Concerned public : Etudiants

Prerequisites : University degree in a relevant subject
Professional experience (at least 1-2 years) & current employment
English proficiency

Targeted careers : The challenges of todays mobile world require globally thinking visionaries, engineers and managers who are able to combine competences in mechanical and electrical engineering with excellent know-how in economics, business management and law.

Duration and terms : 4 semestres

Dedicated web site : https://www.hectorschool.kit.edu/master-mobility-systems-engineering-and-management.php

Training course responsible : info@hectorschool.com

Space or Aerospace Domains

Space related thematics